
What's this? It seems you stumbled onto the software section!


Current Software:

  • GitHub Account - I have written a number of open source applications. The most recent of thee may be found on my GitHub account.

Legacy Software:

  • AirPort Extreme MAC Address Changer - Unsupported software allows you to change your mac address of your airport extreme card.

  • iPod-Linux Installer - This is a program that lets you install Linux on your older model iPods. It is hosted at sourceforge so go take a look! Also make sure you head over to the main iPod Linux website.

  • Screen Watchdog - Watches an area of the screen you select then plays a sound or executes an applescript when a change is detected.

  • Wireless Grapher Widget - This widget tells you the wireless network you are connected to, the channel and also graphs the link/connection quality.