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Messages - Macpod

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I'll try and compile you something Sunday to test.

Hi KB,

Someone once informed me they encountered this on a Windows 8.1 64-bit box once. Strangely I haven't heard anyone else ask about this problem yet however..

 Here is a snippet of that conversation:


I believe I have solved the problem.
I played a bit with lasershark_stdin.c and, after making it compatible with Visual Studio (I'm a n00b so I didn't use mingw to compile it) I added the following lines before your call to libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid :

int numDevices = libusb_get_device_list(context, &usbDevices);
if(numDevices < 0)
    libusb_free_device_list(usbDevices, 1);
    goto out_post_release;

and then, just before your call to libusb_exit, I added:

libusb_free_device_list(usbDevices, 1);

Full code here:

The program does give me a warning after terminating it ("libusb: warning [libusb_exit] some libusb_devices were leaked") but I believe that's nonsense since the memory is freed anyway.

And later...

just to add to my previous posts (I'll stop spamming your inbox, I promise) it seems the culprit is this function:


If it's called twice before getting the device it works just fine, which is the reason my "solution" works - libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid calls libusb_get_device_list internally.
I believe this can be tracked down to an OS-specific get_device_list function, and this is probably bugged on Windows 8.1 for some reason. It's not the first time I have issues with USB devices on Windows 8.1 anyway.

Do you have a means to compile code on your box to test to see if this works for you?

LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark board tuning
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:00:51 AM »
Hi Mateusz,

I have a tuning program that works by inputting values to the stdin_lasershark program. I will upload this this weekend to github.

Currently I use a HP3478A benchtop multimeter to tune these. If at all possible you should use a high precision/resolution and high input impedance. A harbor freight or other low-cost voltmeter will not be very useful.

I have blank lasershark pcbs for sale too by the way. Just shoot me an email if you want one.


LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark help
« on: October 04, 2015, 05:29:16 PM »

I'm having some issues with drivers, maybe someone has already got the same problems. Installing separete drivers for Lasershark interfaces (interface 0, 1, 2) nothing works.

"circle maker" test ( doesnt work, it appears "error finding USB device", and also CW isn't able to move the galvos anyway (although LaserShark appears  on CW).

Then, using ZADIG (, I have tried to install libsusb driver for LaserShark as a composite device. In this case "circle test" works, showing a very nice simetric circle. But I'm still stuck inside CW, that never makes the galvos shake.

I'm quite convinced that this is a driver/USB issue.

I am using Win 8.1 64bit, usb 3.0... but I've tried also in an older win XP, the situation is the same.

Complementary, I'm receiving an error message telling that a "composite device" may have problems running on USB3.0.

did anyone have similar issue?

Thanks for any support

Hi leob,

Circlemaker.exe/lasershark_stdin.exe did not originally work because you had not installed the drivers. As you have found, once the drivers were installed circlemaker.exe and lasershark_stdin.exe worked as expected.

Given that circlemaker.exe/lasershark_stdin.exe work now, why do you think there is a USB driver issue? CW should use the same drivers thus if anything this should rule out a problem with usb/usb drivers and instead suggest there is an issue with your CW or your CW configuration.

And as a side note, cheaper and older usb 3.0 chipsets are notorious for having issues. Often times this can be solved by using a usb 2.0 hub or simply changing computer ports. Usually those on the back vs those on the front of the computer case have fewer issues.

LaserShark Discussion / Re: Driving a low power laser
« on: October 01, 2015, 09:27:16 PM »
Hi KB,

You should not use LaserShark laser output channels (A, B, C) to power a laser, even for a low powered module. These outputs are intended to provide only enough current to serve as signal lines.

What you can do is use a piece of wire or a 3-block jumper to connect all three PWR_SEL lines together on the LaserShark. By doing this the EXT_PWR header will serve as a convenient leech point for the USB power.

A USB port on a computer is supposed to provide 500mA of current at 5V. Based on the quality of the computer, this voltage can vary (usually between 4.75v and 5.25v). The LaserShark itself requires ~150mA current so this means you have about 350mA to play with at ~5V.

Where you go from here will be determined by your particular laser unit. (i.e. a diode vs. a unit with an analog/ttl input line, vs a unit that just has power leads.)

LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark help
« on: July 31, 2015, 12:26:45 AM »
Hi Necdet,

I would suggest you checkout CreationWorkshop. Several individuals there are working on using the LaserShark with this software to develop their own SLA printers.

Specificially this forum might be of interest:

If you want to develop your own software you can take a look at my github repo to see how I communicate with the Lasershark. I would encourage you to use bulk transfers vs isochronous transfers.

You can also develop programs which outputs data in the format expected by lasershark_stdin.exe. This page explains how to setup the usb drivers and also
It looks like you have already set this up however

LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark help
« on: July 28, 2015, 11:14:45 PM »
Hi Necdet,

Are you using this for lightshows or for development of a 3d printer? 405nm is a poor and dangerous choice for laser lightshows.

405nm is not easily seen by the human eyes comparative to other colors. This will cause even a very powerful laser capable of burning or blinding you to appear dim.

3d printers use this wavelength because it is capable of curing various resins better than other visible wavelengths of light. As you have likely noticed these 3d printers are enclosed and this is partially to protect you from this laser light.

I will answer your other questions once you let me know what your applications are (as these will also impact the answer I provide due to application differences)

LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark help
« on: July 27, 2015, 11:06:37 PM »
Hi Necdet,

1. You are receiving this message because your firmware is out of date. As of this message the current version is FW Major version 2 and FW Minor version 3 (version 2.3 aka V5)

You can upgrade your firmware by following the instructions here:
You can download the new firmware here:

2. It does not seem as if your images attached. Can you please post them here?

3. The LaserShark works with OpenLase. Instructions on how to compile this for Linux are present here:

If you want to write your own software for custom lasershows you can develop your own OpenLase software, or alternatively you can feed in "samples" into the ./lasershark_stdin program as can be done with the lasershark_stdin_circlemaker example

The header location is already documented and the arduino code updated (but untested)

The newer mill firmware loads have an added 36 bit header to each packet. If you account for these bits the rest of the information is the same.

Hi kwilliam,

Yes, my kit has worked with the newer protocols installed on these mills. That is quite a surprise that the official tachometer doesn't work with them. It makes me wonder if there is a problem with the wiring inside of your mill.

General Discussion / Re: lens needed for laser?
« on: May 20, 2015, 06:49:11 PM »
Hi galactron,

Your case design thus far looks very clean!

I have used both the TTL and "Analogo" version of that laser module. You should not need a lens and it most certainly should not look like that.

Is it reflecting incorrectly off the galvo assembly? If you point the laser module directly at the wall vs off the mirrors does it still look odd?

If not it is likely:
1. The laser module was not focused properly
2. It was jostled around during shipping

I had to correct one of mine because the green laser was not focused properly and was mis-aligned. The build quality of these internally is pretty shoddy.. they used a piece of cardboard as a shim for the green laser diode holder   ::)

OpenLase Discussion / Re: Cheap Linux Box Recommendations?
« on: May 12, 2015, 10:54:29 PM »
For OpenLase you will definitely want something x86 based.

To give you an idea of the power you may need for this, I started development on a core duo running at 1.66ghz and that was ok for games like asteroids.

World war vi looks like it would be quite strenuous on your galvos without simplification

It is possible the Intel Compute Stick could work. I would also check out the Intel NUC units if you are looking for something small

LaserShark Support / Re: Laseshark Connections
« on: April 21, 2015, 11:55:41 PM »
Thank you. The original link did not appear. It is possible that particular website does not allow off-site linking. This forum has an ability to upload images to the boards by the way. They format a little better than off-site links too (for now.. I'm going to have to fix that IMG tag!).

As for this driver, it looks like one of the super-common and low cost O&E dual TTL signal controlled diode drivers. Normally the pcb is potted on these but I guess they left this off to make this driver as cheap as possible.
It also looks like they didn't include a Peltier for diode temperature regulation with this module assembly. CN1 is the header which normally connects to this. DO NOT CONNECT CN1 TO THE LASERSHARK!

If you look on the back of the plastic cover there should be markings indicating what connector does what.
You will want to connect the "GREEN-LASER Blank+" pin to one of the LaserShark's laser +channel lines. Next you will need to connect the "GREEN-LASER Blank-" pin to the respective LaserShark laser channel's GND pin.

The "GREEN-LASER signal header in your image has been marked "+GT-".

Which channel (A, B, C) doesn't matter. The analog channels (A and B) are just as capable of controlling TTL signal controlled laser drivers as channel c (the TTL-only laser channel on the LaserShark).

LaserShark Support / Re: Laseshark Connections
« on: April 19, 2015, 08:14:40 PM »
What is important to keep in mind when connecting lasers to the lasershark are that there are two analog channels (A and B), and one TTL channel (C).

TTL means the output can be turned on or off only.
Analog means the output can be turned off, turned on 10%, 20%, etc.

The LaserShark is NOT a power source for lasers. You will need to power the LaserShark using an appropriate power supply. The LaserShark is intended to provide a signal to control a laser module only.

Markings on laser module inputs vary wildly so without additional information I cannot say if the CN1 input is actually the input or not. Do you have a manual for this module or an image of the inputs and labeling?

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