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Messages - f3nix

Pages: [1]
LaserShark Support / Re: TTL frequency
« on: July 27, 2017, 04:32:03 PM »
I'm using this laser module:

The problem is that with lasershark_stdin_circlemaker the laser is very dim. It is visilbe from 5cm only.
I have checked with all three outputs.

With lasershark_jack and using playilda from openlase everything works as expected (full power and distance).

I do not know what is going on here.

I'm doing something wrong for sure since I've just started  :-[

Thanks for your patience.


LaserShark Support / TTL frequency
« on: July 23, 2017, 12:04:44 PM »
Is it possible to make the TTL frequency higher?

My laser module needs about 1000khz.


LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark board tuning
« on: June 15, 2017, 01:43:29 AM »
Hello after a long break :)

I have almost finished soldering the board. Could you please share the calibration app?

Thanks! :)


LaserShark Support / Re: Lasershark board tuning
« on: October 08, 2015, 12:56:48 PM »
Hi Jeff!
Quote from: Macpod
Hi Mateusz,

I have a tuning program that works by inputting values to the stdin_lasershark program. I will upload this this weekend to github.

That would be awesome! :) Could You please add some step by step tutorial on how to use it?

Quote from: Macpod
Currently I use a HP3478A benchtop multimeter to tune these. If at all possible you should use a high precision/resolution and high input impedance. A harbor freight or other low-cost voltmeter will not be very useful.

I do have access to a Fluke 289. This one should do the trick I think. (?)

Quote from: Macpod
I have blank lasershark pcbs for sale too by the way. Just shoot me an email if you want one.

Good to know. But I want to do this one with toner transfer. I'm really on a tight budget for now :(


LaserShark Support / Lasershark board tuning
« on: October 07, 2015, 02:16:22 PM »
I want to solder this board myself. Could You please provide any tips on how to tune the board after assembly?

Thanks in advance for any info and thank You for your great work! :)


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