I'm having some issues with drivers, maybe someone has already got the same problems. Installing separete drivers for Lasershark interfaces (interface 0, 1, 2) nothing works.
"circle maker" test (
http://macpod.net/electronics/lasershark/images/windows/lasershark_stdin_cmdline.jpg) doesnt work, it appears
"error finding USB device", and also CW isn't able to move the galvos anyway (although LaserShark appears on CW).
Then, using ZADIG (
http://zadig.akeo.ie/), I have tried to install libsusb driver for LaserShark as a
composite device. In this case "circle test" works, showing a very nice simetric circle. But I'm still stuck inside CW, that never makes the galvos shake.
I'm quite convinced that this is a driver/USB issue.
I am using
Win 8.1 64bit,
usb 3.0... but I've tried also in an older win XP, the situation is the same.
Complementary, I'm receiving an error message telling that a "composite device" may have problems running on USB3.0.
did anyone have similar issue?
Thanks for any support