Hi, yea I tried both the lase_demo by marcan and simple. It's possible I may have bumped the galvos by accident moving them around, but I don't see anything loose or obviously missing. I might be able to get @30 galvos by Friday which would fit my needs. Tonight I am going to keep looking at the @20 galvos, I probably won't run them past 25 or not at all to be safe. Agreeing with Stimpy I tried different settings and the 'live memory' (I'm on my phone so I can't look) checkbox bu it was the same. I made a few attempts when I was in the terminal to guess my username to add to the permissions for audio server and being live or something, but I don't see how that would effect it. I'm going to test the other galvos more tonight to rule out a problem with the software or linux- I've never booted from vmlinuz (virtual kernal, I can't boot from the hard drive.) it's looking good though I have to @20 galvos. I'm also going to research scripting linux to run examples together on their own and some other things. That's a good suggestion I will try to find a voltage meter. I'll keep looking at the jack settings too.