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Messages - landshark

Pages: 1 2 [3]
LaserShark Support / Questions using lasershark
« on: March 23, 2014, 08:51:42 PM »
Hi. Can openlase run multiple laser sharks doing their own thing at the same time? At what power does a laser need to be worried about for eye damage? It's ok to draw with lasers on the body? Thanks!

LaserShark Discussion / Galvo Chips Hot?
« on: March 23, 2014, 07:53:41 PM »
I got the lasershark to work! This is really cool. I'm noticing the chips that power the galvos are getting really hot. Is it possible I should be using a fan with them? They have heat sinks / metal blocks at the ends of them too.

OpenLase Discussion / Re: Using OpenLase to Create Text Events
« on: February 11, 2014, 08:11:50 PM »
Ah, gotcha. That makes it easier then. Well, I have a ton to learn about this coding stuff and openGL and libol, a ton.
Until later,
Hasta pronto! Thanks again.

OpenLase Discussion / Re: Using OpenLase to Create Text Events
« on: February 10, 2014, 02:40:37 AM »
Alright, thanks! That's very helpful. I have more experience with C but I understand Python is a scripting language. I'll end up going with whatever is easier. I can look in the libol.h and text.h files and they look very interesting. Are there .m files for these to look at?

[deleted post content, I found the .c files!]

So I will look into the 'cmake build system' to see if I can learn enough not to go Python. At least I understand some of the things I'm seeing on those files!

Thanks again,

OpenLase Discussion / Using OpenLase to Create Text Events
« on: February 09, 2014, 05:50:01 AM »
Hi there,

If you see this, thanks Jeff for all the help you've given as I set up Linux and troubleshoot an OpenLase install. I was wondering if you or anybody else could help me with this question:

I'd like to be able to program words to appear in different places, edges, corners, middle, etc, on the surface projected on, at different times. From running examples, I understand at least that open lace can, as it were, load programs, and run them. Mostly, I'm interested in words and text at different places, times, different areas of scrolling on the total surface, and those kinds of things.

Do I need to learn a specific language to do this? Aside from the language and maybe framework I should learn, how would I then turn that code into something OpenLase could load?

Thanks so much.


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