General Category > OpenLase Discussion

Running "simple" example results in garbled cubes being drawn in simulator

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Those settings seem OK too. I do see that you have an xrun in jack. Ideally you should not have any. Are you consistently observing these? What are the specs of this laptop? Have you tried reducing the sample rate and increasing the frames/period value to see if this improve the situation?

Have you rebooted since first setting this up? It is important to make sure that you open qjackctl and click the start button BEFORE running anything else to ensure they run in that jack session vs another one.

If the above suggestions don't work, can you run the following?
file <path to example application>

Thanks for sticking with this thread. The machine has 8GB RAM and a core i5, so I hope it has the power necessary. I have indeed rebooted several times, and I have tried reducing the sample rate to as low as 4k and have tried all available frames/period.

I think I should try again to install Mint and a fresh openlase on this system. In the past there were dependency issues, but I can try again. I'll report here my progress.

Thank you.


A laptop like that should be fine. Yea, you can try Mint however I'm not sure if that is going to help. Let me know what the results are and we can take it from there.

Thank you for offering. I installed Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa, then installed ffmpeg via:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Then I followed the openlase compile steps but ran into  a fatal error:
/home/efilm-rnd/Desktop/openlase/tools/qplayvid/qplayvid.c:38:38: fatal error: libavresample/avresample.h: No such file or directory
 #include <libavresample/avresample.h>
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [tools/qplayvid/CMakeFiles/qplayvid.dir/qplayvid.c.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [tools/qplayvid/CMakeFiles/qplayvid.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
efilm-rnd@efilmrnd-HP ~/Desktop/openlase/build $
I attached the verbose cmake and make results as a .txt file if that is useful.

Searching for this message online yielded what looks like some qplayvid.c changes by KamalMostafa. I don't understand though if his changes are complete and if I should use his version of qplayvid.c

Thanks again.


Apologies for the delay, had a few busy work days again.

Argh, the av conversion stuff always changes. You are receiving that warning because you need to install the package libavresample-dev. Even if you install this however openlase needs to be patched yet again for this to start working again. Yes, as you have seen KamalMostafa's has made some changes to allow it to work. I think those are sufficient but since this is a tangental problem lets just comment out that build step so the rest of OpenLase compiles. The qplayvid allows videos to be displayed on the laser projector by edge tracing if you wre curious.

To disable it, change to the tools/qplayvid directory and open the CMakeLists.txt file and change this line:
to this:

sudo apt-get install libavresample-dev


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