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LaserShark on Mac OS X


While somebody at my local hackspace is trying to build OpenLase for Mac (edy555 already did a great work here, but some dependencies seems to be broken, I am starting to try and understand if it would be possible to use the LaserShark board directly from a Mac.

Anyone managed? Any suggestions?


I fumbled around in dependency hell with ubuntu and Mint VMs for a few hours before trying the OSX route with homebrew.

OSX installed way easier than anything else I tried!  The last step is compiling lasershark for OSX.  Any tips?  right now it's stuck since it can't find jack/jack.h or libusb.h.  I installed JackPilot, so probably have the jack files somewhere...

If anyone has this working, please let us know how you did it!

OK, it wasn't that hard.  So This assumes an install on Yosemite using edy555's homebrew openlase install:

To get it to install in Yosemite, use
--- Code: ---brew install openlase
--- End code ---
instead of
--- Code: ---brew install openlase --HEAD
--- End code ---

OK now that you have openlase installed, a couple of modifications are needed for lasershark to build. 

first install libusb and pkg-config:

--- Code: ---brew install libusb
brew install pkg-config
--- End code ---

now open the MakeFile in lasershark_hostapp and add

--- Code: ----I /usr/local/include -I /usr/local/include/libusb-1.0
--- End code ---
after the first "$(CFLAGS)"

It should look like:

--- Code: ---$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -I /usr/local/include -I /usr/local/include/libusb-1.0 -o lasershark_jack lasershark_jack.c lasershark_lib.c `$(PKG_CONFIG) --libs --cflags jack libusb-1.0`
--- End code ---

then use "make" and it should work!  You can ignore the linux instruction about editing permissions in /etc/udev, this is not needed in OSX.

Hi guys,

Have you tried running the same setup on El Capitan? We are getting an error while brew install openlase

>>>>  -- Could NOT find ALSA (missing:  ALSA_LIBRARY ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR)

anyone facing the same issue? would be great if you could try on El Capitan.

Thanks a lot


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